When we inicially received the Blitzolf BW-BS10 Sport selfie stick, our first impression was that they sent us a Star Wars light saber. Nowadays, a selfie stick isn’t so popular like it was some years ago and, for that reason, it made us walk a bit on the memory lane, but, Blitzwolf insists in creating quality and inovative products, and this was no exception.

This selfi stick has a robust construction and present us several functions in a compact and eficient way:
- Selfie stick function
- Extends about +/- 70cm (27.50 inches).
- Support several devices, two at simultaneously, for example:
- mobile phone
- action camera or even a photo camera if it has the mount hole
- a light projector, something like the Viltrox Weeyllite RB08P
- you have several possibilities…
- Support for photo/video shooting in the horizontal or vertical
- Integrated (and removable) Bluetooth remote control
- Tripod

We really didn’t find bigger issues with this product, is well made and robust, and is packed with funcionalities for a object so simple as a selfie stick.
The only not so positive observation that we found, is that when the support is in vertical position, it tends to drop a little, not staying exactly in the desired position because of the devices weitgh, we tested with a mobile and a projector, but if use only a mobile phone or an action camera, you should be ok.
Is a very interesting product e it will from no on, be part of our travel (not limited to) gear.
If you’re interested, here it the link Blitzwolf BW-10S Sport.
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