As you may know, TechCorner.TV besides the website has 5 more Youtube channels, recorded in two different locations, the reviews and the mailbags are recorded in one location and then we have the eletronics channel videos that are recorded on our “laboratory” test workbench.
Part of the equipment used is already duplicated, such as led light projectors, tripod and others, but even so, there is equipment, like cameras, that is expensive and is constantly moving between the two locations.
It became necessary to find a transport solution that can take all the equipment that travels between locations, in a safe and practical way.
Thats how the Andoer studio equipment transport bag comes in, it is a padded, rain resistant bag (up to a point, we are not talking about waterproof or something you can take for a dive) and it has a very generous storage capacity.

Material | Nylon “Oxford” |
Dimensions | 74 x 24 x 25 |
Weight | 840gr |
Padded | Yes |
Water resistant | Yes |
This transport bag is a awesome find, especially for the attractive price, it costed about 17€ / $20 / £14 already with postage and with delivery from China. Prior to this purchase, I had purchased a Neewer Studio Equipment bag (🛒 AliExpress), although at least in the photo it appears to have a better finish, I was unable test it because the supplier asked to cancel the order due to lack of stock, giving no indication when it could be stocked again, however, this Neewer bag is about twice the price (on the date of writing of this article) with delivery from Spain.

In my opinion this product is a awesome deal and we can’t find for the same product range another one at this value, it is undoubtedly and if you need such a product, a purchase to make.
You can see the video for this article on the top of page and please visit our Youtube channels for more interesting videos.
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