Posts by author
Hugo Ferreira
106 posts
FNIRSI 1C15+ Handheld Oscilloscope
I was quite curious to see the FNIRSI 1C15+ hadheld oscilloscope after last week review of FNIRSI 5012H. I think it FNIRSIS 1C15+ was lauched somewhere in the start of…
Loto SIG852 AWG
Loto SIG852 is the first independant signal generator from Loto Instruments. It is a USB device totally controlled by the Windows software on your PC. When Loto asked me if…
FNIRSI DSO-TC2 Oscilloscope & Multi-Component Tester
I was pretty excited when I found out that FNIRSI just lunched the new DSI-TC2 multi-tester and this time, they it has also a oscilloscope and a voltimeter. I was…
mV Voltage Reference Board
One of the problems I had while testing oscilloscopes and multimeters is having a common stable mV voltage power supply. While I do have an awesome Rigol DP832 power supply…