When I ordered the KKMoon DSO120M for this 5-video review series, I have to confess that I was a bit skeptical with this device.
I normally suspect brands that do not manufacture their own devices and for all I saw, I think KKMoon is just a rebrand and sell company, I might be wrong, but that’s the idea I have.
So, since this was one of the oscilloscopes in the price range of 50 to 100€, I forced myself to buy it.
I should say, that my mindset changed pretty quickly as soon I put my hands on KKMoon DSO120M and spoiler alert, it seemed to be a very good device for the price and features/quality it had, but more testing was needed to confirm or not.

The keys, not the layout, but the actual available keys, are exactly the same of the FNIRSIS 5012H, the display is also has 2.4″ color TFT and the options in the menu are almost identical (not the layout, but the option).
One, seems heavally based on other, but no idea wichone arrived first.
When charging, instead of the normal LED, you’ll have the info on the screen just like a mobile phone, pretty cool detail for this kind of equipment.
It is pretty easy to operate, the keys are pretty self-explanatory. The way the information is arrange and presented on the screen is pretty good, it became one of my favorite in that area.

The bandwidth as expected, will not be 120Mhz. my tests found out that with a 1Vpp signal, the voltage droped to between ~700mV and~720mV (-3dB) on ~79 to ~81Mhz, so this is probably the real bandwidth of the KKMoon DSO120M.
In terms of voltage sensibility, it was a nice surprise to see that it handled pretty well the test using my mV Voltage Reference Board used for testing voltages in mV range. Even if the specs mention the voltage sensitivity is from 50mV up, it was able to identify the 10mV signal with a small deviation and the 25mV signal very accuratelly.
Click here if you want to know more about the KKMoon DSO120M or just buy one.
You can watch the full review with the teardown in the video bellow.
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