Launched in 2022 and far from being a new device, the FNIRSI 5012H digital oscilloscope was on my radar for review for quite a while.
When I decided to make a series of videos where I’m going to review 100Mhz oscilloscopes in a target range price from 50€ to 100€ or ~$65 to ~$105 USD, this oscilloscope was one of the first in the list to buy.
This device and the other 4 that I will review in this series, were bought with the revenue from the affiliate links that some viewers used, so I would like to thank to everyone that use our access links when shopping in AliExpress, Amazon or Banggood.
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So, going back to the oscilloscope, it is delivered with a 6100 probe, a charging cable and a user manual, all stored in a black storage case.

The oscilloscope is very compact and has a yellow ruber cover that seem to give it very good protection and prevents slipping.
The user manual has the basic information, but is not yet on the format that the latest FNIRSI devices like the DSO-DS2 have.
The operation is pretty basic and even if it seems to handle a 100Mhz sinewave more or less well, the real bandwidh of this devide should be around 10 to 30Mhz considering the test I made when I connected it directly to my Owon XDG2100 function generator, that can generate waveforms up to 100Mhz.
The square wave at only half of the announced bandwidth, doesn’t even have something similiar to 45º angle edges.
IN termos of functions, you have the “afterglow” that will allow you to store in memory up to 8 lines, creating a drag effect that will allow you to better understand the waveform movement.
Also available is the save and load waveforms in to/from memory and finally the mesurements that will allow you to see up to 12 values, 6 voltage and 6 time while analysing your waveform.
The Auto function seems to work pretty well and it responds quite fast while using the cursors to move the trigger or the offset.

In terms of features announced by the manufacturer you have:
Display | 2.4″ TFT (320×240) |
Bandwidth | 100Mhz |
Sampling rate | 550MSa/s |
Rise time | < 3ns |
Storage depth | 128Kb |
Trigger | Auto / Normal / Single |
Voltage range | 1x 80V / 10x 800V |
Voltage sensitivity | 50mV to 200V |
Voltage accuracy | ± 2% |
Battery | 3000mAh |
The price I payed after 2 AliExpress discounts was around the ~60€ a decent price for a 100Mhz oscilloscope.
If you’re an amateur/hobbist this oscilloscope might be a good solution for having an oscilloscope in the Mhz range for a low investment. If you’re a professional, you’ll and need to analyse signals over 10Mhz, you should proabably choose a different product.
In reality, most of the DIY projects, never come to bandwdths over the 20Mhz and even so, most of the components that use that bandwidth are the crystals like you have on Arduino.
This is a good device to use and seems to have good construction quality, that issue is that the specs will not be the ones announced.
A heads up, for my experience, doesn’t matter the brand you are buyng, if isn’t an established brand like Keysight, Rhode & Shwartz, Siglent, Rigol or even Owon (among others), you probably will not have the announced specs and that is something that you should always have in mind.
The mantra is “You get, what you paid for”.
This means that I wouldn’t buy this oscilloscope, it depends, if I was low on budget and need an oscilloscope for my DIY projects that use arduino or similiar products, you’ll probably be ok with this.
So, are you interested and want to know more about it? See in this link:
Watch bellow the Youtube review video I made for the FNIRSI 5012H.
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