Posts by author
Hugo Ferreira
106 posts
Tomule D20005 Wireless Vacuum Cleaner
If you are used to follow my videos on the electronics channel, you certainly perceive that they are made on my workbench in the electronic laboratory. Like any work bench,…
Hantek DSO2000 oscilloscope (2C10 / 2C15 / 2D10 / 2D15)
I start this article by confessing some prejudice in relation to the Hantek brand, I’ve never had them in very good terms as oscilloscope manufacturers, the interfaces are outdated, many…
Korad KEL102/KEL103 – Programmable DC Electronic Load
Regarding the KEL102/KEL103 DC Electronic Load, if you follow my YouTube channel and read the user comments and my responses, you have certainly seen that one of my goals is…